RofR documentation, status

Ray Plante rplante at
Wed Jun 6 12:22:54 PDT 2007

Hey Kevin,

On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, KevinBenson wrote:
> One more thing. Your xpath you use in the document:
> *|capability[xsi:type='vg:Registry']/interface[role='std' and 
> xsi:type='vg:OAIHTTPGet']/accessURL


> I will ponder a little more about point b.) from what I can see you get the 
> same results with or without the 'set' parameter, the only difference is when 
> you don't use the 'set' you might get back a few more 'Standard' type 
> Resources that are not vg:Registry.  Unless I am missing something.

  o  Do you recognize that you will get those same vg:Registry records
     again when you harvest from the other registries?

  o  Do you recognize that the RofR will be among the vg:Registry records,
     and that if you (blindly) harvest from the RofR again with
     set=ivo_managed that you will get Standard records again?

Again, it's okay if you do it this way and deal with the 2 above issues; 
nevertheless, there is a difference.


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