RI Update and input

KevinBenson kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Oct 23 06:30:09 PDT 2006

Sep 29th uploaded and e-mailed about new WSDL to the RI which included a 
small change to having a RegistryInterface.xsd(ri) which has the 
ri:VOResources and ri:Resource elements to be used for our queries and 
OAI.  So Resource elements will have this namespace on returns. 

 From a select few this seemed to be the best conclusion to some earlier 
discussions.  See discussion  "Need a little help  and a couple of 
questions" from: http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/0609/date.htm

On October 15th uploaded a new RI document to reflect these changes plus 
a couple of minor details discussed back from Moscow. (My apologies I 
think my e-mail announcement on this did not make it to the list last week)

Be good to hear more agreement or disagreement on the doc and wsdl with 
this new RegistryInterface.xsd and to place it as a official working 
draft soon if we feel the issues are resolved.

Link to RI: http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegistryInterface
(version 0.8.8)


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