updates of documents

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Tue Nov 7 22:26:53 PST 2006

Hi folks,

I wanted to alert you to some updates relevent to our upgrade efforts. 
I have been using the RegUpgradeSummer2006 twiki page 
(http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegUpgradeSummer2006) to post 
items that are most relevent to this work, and all of the items I mention 
below have links from that page.

   o  The RI working draft has now been released to the document repository
      (http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/RegistryInterface.html).  It
      differs from Kevin's last release only in mostly typographical ways.

   o  I've submitted the "official" WSDLs and the RegistryInterface schema
      to Bruno for posting on the IVOA web site.  You can also access these
      from RegUpgradeSummer2006 twiki page:
         + RegistrySearch-v1.0.wsdl
         + RegistryHarvest-v1.0.wsdl
         + RegistryInterface-v1.0.xsd

      These are equivalent to the versions that Kevin released previously.
      Note that the filenames are switched about from what he used (not
      that this matters much at all); I did this to make the filenames
      consistent with the namespace names.

   o  VOResource spec has been updated for the changes recommended in

   o  The latest versions of the current IVOA-sponsored schemas are
      available at RegUpgradeSummer2006.  Only VOResource-v1.0.xsd has
      actually changed in terms of its definition (to status required).  I
      also added OpenSkyQuery-v0.2.xsd.

   o  There is a new conversion stylesheet.  To get the namespace handling
      to come out correctly, I had to go with a v2.0 XSL stylesheet, so I
      also posted a XSLTv2 engine library (saxon8).

It sounds like we may have some late additions to set of "IVOA-sponsored" 
registry schemas, including:
    + SSA:  to simple spectral access services
    + VOStandard-v0.2:  to describe named properties associated with a std.
    + VOSpace (?)
    + VOApplication: (What's the status for this on?)

Note that none of us [registry developers] are required to fully support 
searching against the data models defined by these extra schemas. 
Rather, your harvester needs to detect the use of a resource type you 
don't recognize and extract out the bits you do recognize.


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