more changes

KevinBenson kmb at
Tue Jun 27 02:30:16 PDT 2006

this looks real good Ray, I will try to add the wsdl to the document 
this afternoon and place this version on the wiki. 
A couple of comments and one question:
1.) (Section 4.2) I was wondering should harvesters detect conflicting 
"managed" authority ids from different registries and error out and 
report it.  This is something I have added to our registries instead of 
making a publishing registry search a full registry to see if it is 
available.  I guess we could do both, but does seem to make a simple 
publishing registry do extra work.  Possibly you meant that the 
publisher should go check manually.  I also wonder if RofR could be used 
in this particular case.

2.) Comment: A few sentences you added says this document does not 
describe how to discover new publishing registries.  But I would say 
your the "Note" about RofR sort of implies you can discover new 
publishing registries.
3.) Comment: (section 4.3.2 and in schema) maxRecords vg:Harvest 
probably copied from vg:Search maxRecords.  Might want to say simply 
"Largest number of records returned" since it is not quite a search method.


Ray Plante wrote:
> Hey Kevin,
> Attached are the additional edits I promised over the weekend.  The main 
> things I put in were...
>   o  filled section 3.2 with info about how to harvest
>   o  completed description of VORegistry schema in section 4.
>   o  in-lined the VORegistry schema into A.3.
> I think this document is in pretty good shape for implementation.  We 
> should add the in-lining of the WSDL files in A.1 and A.2, and I think we 
> can post it to the document repository.  I expect there are minor bits 
> will catch in later review.  
> cheers,
> Ray

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