Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 1

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at
Fri Jun 16 01:27:03 PDT 2006

The start of a series of articles looking XQuery-supported data sources:

The XQuery engines chosen are 'three that offer free versions that let you
get real work done with fairly arbitrary XML: MarkLogic Server release
3.0-6, eXist 1.0, and SleepyCat's Berkeley DB XML release 2.2.13.' 

The author adds that 'X-Hive DB's free version only works for 30 days, and
DataDirect XQuery and IBM's support seem more geared toward using XQuery
against data stored in relational databases. (XQuery's ability to query
non-XML data along with XML is one of its strengths.)'

It would be interesting to know if anyone has tried the beta Viper release
of IBM's DB2 which is supposed to provide extensive XQuery support (IBM has
an academic programme which makes most of its software - including DB2 -
available free for academic use).


Tony Linde
Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292    Mobile: +44 (0)7753 603356
Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311    Email:  Tony.Linde at
Post:   Department of Physics & Astronomy,
        University of Leicester
        Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH
Project Manager, EuroVO VOTech 
Programme Manager, AstroGrid 

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