The IVOA in 2006: Assessment and Future Roadmap - Registries

Roy Williams roy at
Thu Jun 8 08:01:09 PDT 2006

> The registry data model (for better or worse) has always been  
> defined in terms of the XML Schema language, and there is a very  
> natural candidate for a query language for XML, namely XQuery

I wonder about relational versus XML schema. Are they really  
different -- and therefore the query languages should be different?  
Or are they just different representations of the same thing?

In other words, can I translate from XML to relational schema in an  
automatic way?
Can I translate back (automatically) and get the same as the XML  
schema I started with?

I know there is formal mathematics about relational databases (Codd  
and Date). Is there substantial formal theory on translating XML to  
and from RDBMS?


California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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