applications software metadata

John Taylor jdt at
Tue Jan 31 04:28:00 PST 2006

Roy Williams wrote:
> There are some FABULOUS ways to use the registry for applications, for 
> example:
> -- Applications that can be used as part of a Astrogrid CEA workflow
> -- Applications that understand John Taylor's messaging protocol
> -- Applications that are remote SOAP services and have a WSDL file
> -- Applications that can handle VOEvent packets (my own favourite)
> In each case there is *formal* information in the registry record, so 
> that a portal can use that information, eg. providing a menu of 
> plug-and-play workflow components, or a clickable list of VOEvent 
> publishers, or auto-generating a form for using a web service.
Indeed, and we'll probably think of more cool things to do as time goes 
on, so we'd better allow room for expansion.
> We can think of a set of registries, each directed to a very specific 
> kind of application that can be formally defined. That is MUCH more 
> promising than a laundry list of "software that somebody somewhere 
> might find useful for astronomy".
Perhaps we're at the stage when we're only going to find out what we 
need by trying things out.  People with interests in these different 
areas should go away and prototype some software.   We'll then synch up 
at the next interop meeting.


IfA, ROE/AstroGrid/VOTech

> Roy
> California Institute of Technology
> 626 395 3670

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