Resource namespace question/discussion

Kevin Benson kmb at
Sat Aug 26 06:33:21 PDT 2006

Recently noticed is if you read the wsdl the Resource should have the same 
namespace as the wsdl and VOResources.  Current Astrogrid test registry 
has no namespace on Resource, will try to correct this when I get back 

Though I should note, I now remember we had the VOResources in a seperate 
schema with elementformdefault set to unqualified.  Meaning Resource 
elements did not need a namespace.  But that got lost when we got rid of 
the schema and brought it back into the wsdl.

If people on the registry list wish to make Resource to have no namespace. 
(Which might possibly make things a little easier to understand since OAI 
responses don't have a namespace and the schema is already at 
unqualified/no namespaces for the rest of the elements.) 
Then we can change the wsdl accordingly.  Thought I would kick off that 
discussion here to see what everybody else thinks.

On Thursday I will read responses and if no decision was made or decision 
to keep it like it is then I will change 
the test registry to have the "Resource" elements and the "identifier" 
elements(when identifieronly is set) to have the same namespace as the 


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