Minor changes to the RI
kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Dec 7 07:31:41 PST 2005
Placed a new RI document at:
Main changes were on the WSDL documents. Please have a look at the
document and respond with any issues you have with the document. I did
not receive much response from the last submission some months ago.
Currently only one main unresolved Issue (please feel free to start a
new thread of e-mails on this issue):
1.) Deals with how to define namespaces for the xpath prefixes found in
ADQL for the "Search" method.
* Current spec says place all namespaces on the "Where" element.
This may change, currently added because in some web services
implementations dealing with Message style (dealing with Raw XML) and
parsers, you have to go look for namespaces yourself which can be a bit
tiresome and a pain. This is why it was added to specify where to place
* Ray is testing out another idea about elementDefaultForm
* Since we have to define the "Where" element in the
RegistryInterface schema, a better idea may simply be to add a small
extension "string" type element to define namespaces. This would also
prevent the possibility of a web service implementation normalizing out
the namespace(s) in the SOAP message on the request.
Summary of Changes:
Reference ADQL 1.0 instead of 0.9
Namespaces corrected
exclusiveArgs was not referenced correctly in RegistryPublish wsdl
hence WSDL2Java was not working for publishingRegistry.wsdl
References ADQL 1.0
XQuery uses the xs:any element now.
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