Registering client-side applications

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at
Wed Aug 24 08:27:18 PDT 2005

Hi John,

> Is anyone in the registry working group looking at how we can 
> register client-side applications?  The sort of use case I 

Yes. There's a small team looking at creating a data model for the registry
information and registering applications (server- and client-side ones) are
our next area of concern.

This is likely to figure in discussions at the next interop meeting


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-apps at [mailto:owner-apps at] On 
> Behalf Of John Taylor
> Sent: 23 August 2005 17:59
> To: hanisch at; registry at; apps at
> Subject: Registering client-side applications
> Hi,
> Is anyone in the registry working group looking at how we can 
> register client-side applications?  The sort of use case I 
> have in mind is:
> a user searches the registry via some portal for a 
> visualization tool that (say) displays multi-D datasets.  
> After selecting a suitable application the portal offers to 
> download and install the software (and maybe even launches it 
> with the dataset he was working on).
> This doesn't seem to fit into the examples on 
> so I think it would require a new extension to the VOResource schema. 
> I'd be interested to hear if anyone has already thought about 
> the sort of meta-data we'd need to record for client-side 
> apps.  Bob - excuse me mailing you directly as well as 
> posting to the forum.  Noel Winstanley tells me that you have 
> already worked on this in a previous life and may have some 
> ideas about it.
> Regards,
> John
> [Cross posting to apps to get the topic started, but please 
> reply only to registry at]
> -- 
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