registry matrix picture
Christophe ARVISET
Christophe.Arviset at
Fri Apr 8 08:19:10 PDT 2005
As you may have seen from the various emails floating around in the
registry mail forum coming from Aurelien Stebe, ESA VO at ESAC, Madrid,
Spain is also building a full searchable registry that should be
available soon.
So you could update your picture with a thin red star in ESAC that should
soon become thick ;-).
At 16:39 08/04/2005, Roy Williams wrote:
>Enclosed is a picture of the registry situation as of January, as seen by
>the small number of people that I talked to. The world is centered on
>Caltech for some reason.......
>The thick red means an active registry, the thin line a proposed one that
>is nearly ready. The arrow means that harvesting is/has occured.
>I would be interested in revising this picture. Please can you comment?
>California Institute of Technology
>roy at
>626 395 3670
--- Christophe ARVISET
--- European Space Agency (ESA)
--- European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
--- Research and Scientific Support Department (RSSD)
--- Science Operations and Data Systems Division (SCI-SD)
--- Urb. Villafranca del Castillo
--- P.O. Box 50727, 28080 Madrid - SPAIN.
--- Tel: +34 91 813 12 78, Fax: +34 91 813 11 72
--- E-mail : Christophe.Arviset at
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