A few questions

Ray Plante rplante at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 8 11:20:36 PDT 2004

Hey Kevin,

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Kevin Benson wrote:
> 1.) In the ADQL schema I see there are various types of searches for a
> Where clause, ex: function searches, comparison searches, predicate,
> xmatch and others.   Are we going to support all of them?

I need to crack ADQL and my examples open again to come up with an exact 
recommendation which will take a few minutes.  In general, however, a 
judicious decision has to be made regarding what we put in the WD, what we 
actually implement in this first round, and what we leave out for now.  

XMatch should be left out as it is not logically applicable.  Function 
criteria will be important (e.g. for STC/region support) and should be 
included in the WD spec; however, I don't recommend we try to support it 
in this next round.  Everything else, if I recall correctly is just simple 
SQL and therefore should be included.  

> 2.) We said it would be XPath.  How do we want to handle Namespaces?  Are
> we going to use predefine prefixes such as "vs:" for some of our
> extenstions meaning the data service namespace.

This is a detail we have not addressed.  Our options are: 

  1. we do things the proper XML way:  the ADQL query itself defines the 
     prefixes it will use.  

  2. we mandate the use of predefined prefixes:


  3. we just not included (in this round) namespace prefixes in our 
     xpath-based queries, e.g. 


2. and 3. are intended to be simplifications that might be make things 
easier.  If not, we should go with 1.

> 3.) I think we said we were not going to handle xpath functions correct?

Correct.  Furthermore, we do not allow [] in our paths.

> 4.) Ray or was someone else doing a xsl stylesheet for converting v0.9 to
> v0.10?

We have prototypes done--I'm testing them now.  

> 5.) Ray do you want me to add the <OwnerAuthority> element for the
> Registry type Resource?

I believe this was indeed one of the items we resolved to include.  I'd be 
happy if you wanted to go ahead and send me a modified version of the 
VORegistry schema.  Otherwise, I can do it.  


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