Schema to XForms stylesheet

Ed Shaya edward.j.shaya.1 at
Wed Jul 7 14:01:23 PDT 2004


I thought that you were creating a stylesheet that converts any Xschema 
into an XForm.  Was it not generalizable?


Matthew Graham wrote:
> Hi,
> I have posted my stylesheet to convert XML schema (xsi:type based) to
> XForms instances on the twiki at:
> I recommend using xsltproc as the stylesheet engine (Saxon will work as
> well but does not produce the namespace acronyms). The stylesheet takes
> arguments:
> --stringparam root <name of root element, e.g. resource>
> --stringparam rootType <namespace specified type for root element, e.g.
> 			'cs:ConeSearch'>
> --stringparam targetAction <the argument for the submit button, e.g.
> 			    'Publish'>
> --stringparam substitute <a list of substitutions, e.g. what type do we
> really want instead of the the specified abstract type - the syntax is
> xx:abstractType1/yy:realType1;xx:abstractType2/yy:realType2...>
> So, for example to create a XForms for an all-sky cone search service, the
> call would be:
> xsltproc --stringparam 'resource' 
> 	 --stringparam 'cs:ConeSearch' 
>          --stringparam targetAction 'Publish' 
>          --stringparam substitute 'vr:Interface/vs:ParamHTTP;vs:Region/vs:AllSky'
> 	 xsd2XFm.xsl ConeSearch-v0.3.xsd > ConeSearch.html
> The schema that needs to be specified is that which contains the root
> element type; all other schemas required will be imported and processed by
> the stylesheet.
> This will now fill in default values where it can in the instance part of
> the XForms model according to the following prescription:
> Default attribute present: use declared default value
> Type is xs:float: set to 0.0
> Type is xs:int: set to 0
> Type is xs:string: set to NULL
> Type is xs:boolean: set to true
> Type is xs:date: set to 1970-01-01+00:00
> Type is an enumeration: set to first value in enumeration
> Type is an extension: it will attempt to set it to the correct value
> depending on what it is an extension of
> Type is vr:IdentifierURI: set to ivo://x.x/
> This was all required so that the XForms document produced would be valid
> (using Eclipse and Oxygen XML plug-in). Note that you need to include the
> location of all the schemas used (with an xsi:schemaLocation) in the
> XForms document if you want to validate it.
> Now the bad news: whereas the former schema style produced XForms that
> worked fine with the formsPlayer plug-in, the new style produces one that
> do not. The XForms are valid - the DENG XForms processor displays them
> fine but this unfortunately does not yet handle repeat elements (X-Smiles
> is also not complete in its support for these). I have submitted a bug
> report to formsPlayer to see if they can sort it out.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with any of this.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew

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