What next?

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Thu Jan 15 13:57:09 PST 2004

How about ideas for what the workgroup needs to do next. Some ideas:

1. schema for non-data resources like analysis tools.
2. registry service interface.
3. registry query language.

If we kick aound the ideas until, say, end of next week, then we can discuss
which ones to tackle over 2004, prioritise them and guess at some deadlines.


Tony Linde                 
Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292    Mobile: +44 (0)7753 603356
Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311    Email:  ael at star.le.ac.uk
Post:   Department of Physics & Astronomy,
        University of Leicester
        Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH

Project Manager,            Director,
AstroGrid                   Leicester e-Science Centre
http://www.astrogrid.org    http://www.e-science.le.ac.uk/

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