Default values for service interfaces

Ray Plante rplante at
Tue Dec 14 00:34:53 PST 2004

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Matthew J. Graham wrote:
> Can I make a request for the next iteration of VODataService.xsd that 
> the Param type also has a <defaultValue> subelement so that it would be 
> possible to specify default values for HTTP GET interfaces at least. 

Good idea.  

> This means that auto-generated clients for such services could be 
> preloaded with example values.

If this the purpose, it might be better to call it something different, 
like  <sampleValue>.  "Default" usually refers to a value that is assumed 
when none is provided.  For some parameters, assuming a default is not 

(Mental sticky: we also need a way to indicated required parameters.)


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