More separation

Chenzhou Cui ccz at
Mon Dec 13 23:35:15 PST 2004

Dear all,

I hope Registry WG can define RM for dataset-undependent services.

At present, most metadata descriptions are dataset related or dataset 
oriented. In China-VO, we are developing an automated VO service 
generator, which can wrap Java application (in source code) with simple 
IO interface into Grid Service and then register the generated service 
into our Registry. Most of our current services have no relationship 
with dataset, for example epoch converting, (RA, DEC) (b, l) converting, 
image format convert, eclipse computing and so on. Current RM 
specification is not suitable for describing these small services.


Ray Plante wrote:

>Hi all,
>I had low bandwidth last week, so I'm trying to catch up now on various 
>First, I think Guy's proposal is fine.  The motivation is clear, and his 
>extension builds on the intended spirit of v0.9.  (In fact, way back in 
>Cambridge, I suggested that we may one day find ourselves needing a Table 
>resource).  I would strongly urge, however, that you go ahead and do the 
>trivial conversion to the v0.10 style.  
>The notion of separating the description of a dataset from services that
>might access it is not unknown to NVO.  That is, we currently support the
>DataCollection resource type.  The main difference from the AstroGrid
>driver, where it is important for a portal to be able to carefully sort
>out the relationships between the services and datasets, is that in NVO,
>the registration of the dataset separately from the service is optional.  
>Thus, it must be possible for a service to sufficiently describe the 
>dataset it accesses (e.g. its coverage) since a separate description may 
>not exist.  
>A stricter practice of separating descriptions of datasets from the
>services that access them may be well motivated (I certainly like the
>sound of it); however, a big concern will be ensuring that our
>registration model remains simple enough to explain quickly to the people
>responsible for actually registering the resources.  Some of this can be
>mitigated by an effective registration portal interface, but this takes

Chenzhou Cui  (China-VO Project)   
National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: (8610)64841695
Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: (8610)64878240
Datun Road 20A, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at
Beijing 100012, China             | WWW:

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