NVO Registry portal

Yuji SHIRASAKI yuji.shirasaki at nao.ac.jp
Fri Dec 10 09:30:43 PST 2004

> The NVO registry portal at
> http://nvo.stsci.edu/voregistry  is now available following server
> move/upgrades.  During this server change a few code improvements were
> made to XML return types along with minor changes following problem
> reports.

Thank you Gretchen, we (JVO) have successfully retrieved the data from the above 
registry by using OAI-PMH protocol.

We find the follwoing problems:

1. /Resource/curation/publisher/@ivo-id

  - This attiribute is defined as "anyURI" type in the schema, however
    in most of the case non-URI string "NOT PROVIDED" is provided.

  - We have problem when parsing such XML.

  - Is this situation solved near future ?

2. /Resource/identifier

  - Same as 1, this is also defined as "anyURI" type, but some field has non-URI type 

3. /Resource/interface/accessURL

  - Some data has a space in the URL, and has a query string.

    e.x. <accessURL>http://skys.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/vo/sia.pl? FORMAT=image/fits&COLTAB=B/W+Linear&XPIXEL=500&YPIXEL=500</accessURL>

  - Our portal uses the "accessURL" as an endpoint URL and add query parameters to it,
    so we need to remove query string from the "accessURL".

4. /Resource/interface/@xsi:type

  - "xsi:type" of SkyNode interface is defined as "ParamHTTP". Why not "WebService" ?

  - Out portal selects an appropriate protocol according to the xsi:type of the "Interface",
    so we cannot access to the skynode by WebService protocol.

5. /Resource/interface/@qtype

  - "qtype" attribute is omitted in the most of the cases.

  - Our portal assume "GET" or "POST" is defined in this attribute.
    Which one should we use as a default ?

Yuji SHIRASAKI, Research Fellow             +81-422-34-3579 (tel)
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan  +81-422-34-3840 (fax)
Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan                 yuji.shirasaki at nao.ac.jp

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