IVO ids and Data Sets Identifiers

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Wed Sep 24 10:42:52 PDT 2003

I was just thinking - why does the journal id have to be the resource
identifier. The journals can come up with their own scheme and manage it to
ensure uniqueness, we add a JournalID to the resoure metadata then anyone
can search a registry on JournalID=value to find the resource.

If also means that if a data source is duplicated somewhere with a different
resource id then it will still be found in the registry search - user (or
software) can then decide which one to use.

Will that solve the issue?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnold Rots [mailto:arots at head-cfa.harvard.edu] 
> Sent: 24 September 2003 16:04
> To: Tony Linde
> Cc: 'Francois Ochsenbein'; registry at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: IVO ids and Data Sets Identifiers
> I'm all in favor of getting something done, but we're not 
> experimenting here - at least not where it concerns the 
> identifiers used for the the literature links.
> In abstracto you are right.  But I agree with Francois that 
> we ought to make the conversion easy for what I expect to be 
> a common case - where an authority ID translates into a root URL.
> I may be dense, but what is the advantage of having multiple 
> resources registered under the same authority - other than 
> abstract elegance?
> If there is a need to define an authority as overarching 
> several registered resources, there is in principle no reason 
> to require that such linking be visible in the identifiers - 
> especially not if it means a loss of convenience in common 
> situations.  What counts in the identifier is the registered 
> resource that it points to.
>   - Arnold
> Tony Linde wrote:
> > > My only problem is that the usage of the # will forbid the
> > > usage of the same identifier as an IVO identifier AND as an 
> > > UR[IL] directly usable to point to a dataset from an 
> > 
> > Good. It should not be usable as a url. It's sole purpose is as an 
> > identifier of a resource within the registry and it has no meaning 
> > other than that.
> > 
> > > I feel it's a pity to introduce this incompatiblity -- and
> > > moreover I agree fully with Arnold, I cannot understand the 
> > > necessity of a resource_key. What you need is just a unique 
> > > identifier, which will be supplied by the Authority.ID . It's 
> > > not the role of the registry to define this, IMHO.
> > 
> > The registry won't be defining either. Users of a registry will be 
> > able to register an authority id and then define the resource keys 
> > under that authority. The registry will ensure that the 
> resource key 
> > chosen is unique within that authority.
> > 
> > This has been discussed for months now. The telecon 
> yesterday agreed 
> > that the resource identifier WD should be submitted as a Proposed 
> > Recommendation to allow projects to try it out, especially 
> during the 
> > Jan demo.
> > 
> > If it turns out that people are only registering one resource under 
> > each authority then we can revisit the situation. Let's get 
> something 
> > *done*.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Tony.
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: owner-registry at eso.org [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org]
> > > On Behalf Of Francois Ochsenbein
> > > Sent: 24 September 2003 15:22
> > > To: registry at ivoa.net
> > > Subject: Re: IVO ids and Data Sets Identifiers 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Tony,
> > > 
> > > My only problem is that the usage of the # will forbid the
> > > usage of the same identifier as an IVO identifier AND as an 
> > > UR[IL] directly usable to point to a dataset from an 
> > > electronic article. It therefore 
> > > means that the 2 things have to be disjoined because it is 
> > > not possible (in the HTTP sense) to make a distinction between
> > >    //Authority.ID/(resource_key)#(dataset_1) and
> > >    //Authority.ID/(resource_key)#(dataset_2)
> > > 
> > > I feel it's a pity to introduce this incompatiblity -- and
> > > moreover I agree fully with Arnold, I cannot understand the 
> > > necessity of a resource_key. What you need is just a unique 
> > > identifier, which will be supplied by the Authority.ID . It's 
> > > not the role of the registry to define this, IMHO.
> > > 
> > > Cheers, francois
> > > 
> > > >This is in reply to both Francois and Arnold.
> > > >
> > > >An AuthorityID is not a service and so will not have an
> > > invocation URL
> > > >associated with it. The AuthorityID is simply a way of grouping
> > > >resources and allowing a registry to know that when it assigns a 
> > > >ResourceKey, it is globally unique (since no other registry 
> > > can assign
> > > >a ResourceKey to that AuthorityID).
> > > >
> > > >So a service *must* have a ResourceKey as part of its unique
> > > >identifier, as well as the AuthorityID.
> > > >
> > > >On the issue of the dataset identifier, there is no problem with:
> > > >  ivo://Authority.ID/(resource_key)#(dataset_identification)
> > > >since this is not being sent to an http server. It will be
> > > interpreted
> > > >by some piece of software (which can interpret the 
> ivo:// protocol)
> > > >which will understand that everything before the '#' sign is 
> > > a resource
> > > >identifier and everything after it a dataset identifier. The
> > > software
> > > >will use the resource identifier to look up the service
> > > metadata, get
> > > >the service invocation method (web service or cgi or
> > > whatever) and then
> > > >call that service using the dataset identifier (as a
> > > parameter to the
> > > >web service or as the value part of a cgi '?name=value' pair).
> > > >
> > > >The ivo:// protocol is for the use of *VO software* only and
> > > not http
> > > >servers. They may use the same URI convention but they are
> > > completely
> > > >separate and different naming conventions.
> > > >
> > > >Cheers,
> > > >Tony.
> > > >
> > > >> From: owner-registry at eso.org 
> [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org] On 
> > > >> Behalf Of Francois Ochsenbein
> > > >> Sent: 23 September 2003 22:34
> > > >> To: registry at ivoa.net
> > > >> Subject: IVO ids and Data Sets Identifiers
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> If I may intervene on this subject of the IVO identifiers, I 
> > > >> would strongly suggest not to use the hash symbol as a 
> delimiter, 
> > > >> because it has a special meaning in the HTTP
> > > >> protocol: it indicates a marker in the document, and what
> > > >> comes after the # symbol is quite generally ignored by the 
> > > >> HTTP servers.  For instance the output of an HTTP GET to
> > > >>   
> http://www.stsci.edu/ftp/science/hdfsouth/warnings.html#NICMOS
> > > >> is exactly identical to the output of
> > > >>   http://www.stsci.edu/ftp/science/hdfsouth/warnings.html
> > > >> (the browser simply scrolls the document to position it at 
> > > >> the "NICMOS" marker)
> > > >> 
> > > >> Therefore in the general scheme of the IVO identification
> > > >>    
> > > >> 
> ivo://Authority.ID/(resource_key)(dataset/subset_identification)
> > > >> the # sign could maybe appear in the 3rd part
> > > >> (dataset/subset_identification) but certainly not a separator 
> > > >> between the parts 2 and 3 (and moreover not between the parts 
> > > >> 1 and 2) if it is wished that a resource can be reached using 
> > > >> the http conventions.
> > > >> 
> > > >> In fact, for datasets I would more agree with Guenther's
> > > >> arguments: one Authority.ID, and what follows it is defined
> > > >> under the responsability of the Authority.ID who "publishes" 
> > > >> the way to access to the data. The dataset can effectively be 
> > > >> a simple document like
> > > >>    
> > > ivo://Authority.ID/Resource-Service/Repository/Intrument/datasetID
> > > >> 
> > > >> but could also be something like
> > > >>    
> > > >> 
> > > 
> ivo://Authority.ID/RepositoryQuery?instrument=Intrument&ID=datasetID
> > > >> 
> > > >> As long as there is no ambiguity (the Authority.ID may 
> "delegate" 
> > > >> the "naming space" to different missions or instruments or 
> > > >> whatever) the role of the identifiers is fulfilled. 
> The problem 
> > > >> with the links from the journals is, as pointed out by 
> Bob, the 
> > > >> requirement for long-term persistence which can only 
> be achieved 
> > > >> if any change in the curator is
> > > >> propagated to the Registry who has to make this mapping 
> > > between the
> > > >> 'permanent' and the 'actual' identifiers (the GLU was not bad
> > > >> in this role!) 
> > > 
> > > ==============================================================
> > > ==================
> > > Francois Ochsenbein       ------       Observatoire 
> > > Astronomique de Strasbourg
> > >    11, rue de l'Universite F-67000 STRASBOURG       Phone: 
> > > +33-(0)390 24 24 29
> > > Email: francois at astro.u-strasbg.fr   (France)         Fax: 
> > > +33-(0)390 24 24 32
> > > ==============================================================
> > > ==================
> > > 
> > 
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------
> Arnold H. Rots                                Chandra X-ray 
> Science Center
> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                tel:  +1 
> 617 496 7701
> 60 Garden Street, MS 67                              fax:  +1 
> 617 495 7356
> Cambridge, MA 02138                             
> arots at head-cfa.harvard.edu
> USA                                     
> http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~arots/
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------

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