Registry query language

Thomas McGlynn tam at
Tue Sep 23 12:30:02 PDT 2003

Tony Linde wrote:

> I must admit that I couldn't answer that but I think the point is not what
> the query would look like to the user - the user will not be writing such a
> query. They will be selecting what they want from some sort of interface and
> the program behind that will construct the query to send to the registry. In
> this case XQuery has an advantage as it can more directly access and return
> the xml-based resource metadata.
> Cheers,
> Tony. 
Probably I wasn't clear enough in my original message.  I don't know
enough about XQuery to know if it can express the kinds of queries
that I'd anticipate a registry needing to address.  Probably it can,
but I just don't know.  So the example queries were some simple
examples of the kinds of things I'd want to be able to do with the
registry.  If for some reason, these are more difficult to express in XQuery
that might indicate that an alternative is better.  I don't have any
opinion on this.  It's just as likely
that they are easier to express in XQuery than SQL.  But I think that
the ability to naturally compass the queries of interest should be the
primary disciminator for the language we choose.


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