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Alberto Accomazzi aaccomazzi at
Fri Sep 12 12:00:54 PDT 2003

"'Arnold Rots'" <arots at>
Subject: Re: IVOA Identifiers Working Draft
Sender: owner-registry at
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: Alberto Accomazzi <aaccomazzi at>


I set up a page on the ADS site a couple of weeks ago to track progress 
on this project:

I'll also be presenting something at ADASS about this.

I have just signed up on the registry mailing list and will need a 
little time to read up on the ongoing discussion before I chime in, but 
let me just say that the intent has been from the very beginning to have 
something fairly simple that can be working by year's end (the 
publisher's deadline for going operational).

Coming up with something that is not fully VO-ready (because things are 
not finalized yet) does not worry me too much right now because I'm 
confident that whatever we settle on for the time being can be 
integrated within the VO in the near future.  Nonetheless, I think this 
is a good opportunity to settle on some of the issues having to do with 
naming so that we can move forward fairly quickly.

-- Alberto

Robert Hanisch wrote:

> Can someone remind us where to see the ADEC list of proposed data set
> identifiers?
> Thanks,
> Bob


Alberto Accomazzi
NASA Astrophysics Data System           
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, MS 31, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

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