
Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Tue Sep 9 08:28:32 PDT 2003

Here are my questions about registries. I guess I see the "mirror" question
in the context of specifying relationships in general -- "A is a mirror of
B" or "A is derived from B" or "A is a product of project B". Anyway, here
are the questions that come to mind about harvesting.


A given registry harvests some others on a regular basis.
    -- Which others? How does the list of friends get changed?
    -- ie How do I make my private registry into a public one?
    -- Will there be a central clearinghouse of NVO-compliant registries?

I do not recall what kind of pointers the VOResource can have. How can I
    -- this service returns the data from this DataCollection
    -- this service has an identical mirror which is this other service
    -- this DataCollection results from the computations defined by this

What are the metadata formats that will be exchanged through OAI harvesting?
    -- VOResource?
    -- Dublin Core?
    -- We could ask a friendly librarian to point his OAI harvester at our
Dublin Core!

How are registries populated and clean?
    -- How to get astronomers to fill in the forms (snowball effect of
    -- How to make sure their entires are meaningful
    -- How to stop maniacs filling the registry with nonsense

What if registries are operatring different versions of the VOResource
    -- Do they just ignore each other
    -- Or should we have a version negotiation protocol?

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