
Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Fri Sep 5 02:07:08 PDT 2003

Ray and I have finished working on the new registry resource schema and Ray
is working it up into a set of xsd's that demonstrate its extensibility.

I think the WG should now turn its attention to thre question of how
resource metadata is distributed throughout the VO. Coming up with a
workable proposal for this together with the new schema will make it
possible for the VO projects to work on interop demos for January as

Firstly, does everyone agree that harvesting is the next big issue? And, if
so, what work has been done so far in Rwp04 (Keith?) and what needs adding
to create a proposal?


Tony Linde                       Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292
AstroGrid Project Manager        Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311
Dept of Physics & Astronomy      Mobile: +44 (0)7753 603356
University of Leicester          Email:  ael at star.le.ac.uk
Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH          Web:    http://www.astrogrid.org

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