DC comments & questions

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Mon Oct 6 01:15:48 PDT 2003

Hi Ray,

> The purpose of this particular markup, <vm:dcterm>, is to tag 
> elements that correspond to Dublin Core terms.  The content 
> is the DC term the element maps to.  A documentation 
> generator, then, can include this characteristic into the 
> documentation.

Is it also used to identify the element which maps to the DC term for
harvesting purposes?

> I want to add, though, for every DC term we 
> support (apart from the Identfier), there is an element that contains a 
> simple string value.  For example, a value for the DC Publisher term can 
> be found in "Curation/Publisher/Title".  

That's good.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at eso.org [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org] 
> On Behalf Of Ray Plante
> Sent: 06 October 2003 09:04
> To: registry at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: DC comments & questions
> Hi Tony,
> On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Tony Linde wrote:
> > 1. I see in the schemas that DC-related elements are annotated with 
> > <vm:dcterm> elements - how are these to be used? And ought we to be 
> > namespacing to DC instead?
> This is part of some markup I've been experimenting with to 
> aid with automated processing of schemas.  Since it is 
> contained within "xs:annotation/xs:appinfo" elements, it has 
> no effect on the definition of the schema or one's ability to 
> validate it.  
> The purpose of this particular markup, <vm:dcterm>, is to tag 
> elements that correspond to Dublin Core terms.  The content 
> is the DC term the element maps to.  A documentation 
> generator, then, can include this characteristic into the 
> documentation.
> > 2. Where, with things like identifier and coverage, we have 
> structured 
> > data while DC mandates simple string data, how and where does this 
> > conversion take place?
> Roy mostly answered this.  I want to add, though, for every 
> DC term we 
> support (apart from the Identfier), there is an element that 
> contains a 
> simple string value.  For example, a value for the DC 
> Publisher term can 
> be found in "Curation/Publisher/Title".  
> > 3. Should we, like PDS, block all our DC terms into a 
> single complex 
> > type?
> I don't see this as helpful: 
>   *  It does not make automated ingesting of DC metadata any easier
>      (as programmer still must handle the conversion).
>   *  It would break up the organization of our concepts.
>   *  It would make extending the schemas more difficult.
> > 4. If so and where our metadata does not map to a simple string, 
> > should we put the DC term in here and mandate that it is 
> not captured 
> > from the user/dataaset but is constructed from the 
> structured metadata 
> > in some way (as we've defined the way of turning an 
> Identifier into a 
> > URI)?
> I believe that Identifier is the only such example.  
> cheers,
> Ray

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