extending the registry

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Mon Oct 6 00:23:49 PDT 2003

> I'm not sure OAI *gives* us anything. 

I meant anything of benefit to the IVO: OAI does give us interoperability
with a wide range of non-astro repositories but at a cost we may not wish to
impose at this time.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at eso.org [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org] 
> On Behalf Of Tony Linde
> Sent: 05 October 2003 23:07
> To: 'Roy Williams'; registry at ivoa.net
> Subject: RE: extending the registry
> Hi Roy,
> Sounds good. But, in fact, the OAI metadata formats don't 
> need to map to a record or schema but to parts of the schema.
> I've been thinking that Resource element should be 
> implemented in the schema as *abstract* so that you never 
> actually have a resource element (it'd not be much use since 
> it would not be possible to tell what it is).
> So, the education people would inherit EduAstro from 
> Resource. The harvest method would check the MF requested; if 
> oai_dc then it passes back all the DC namespaced elements; if 
> vo_res then it passes back every element namespaced by 
> VOResource; if edu_astro then it passes back the EduAstro 
> namespaced elements.
> (Or vo_res includes DC, and edu_astro includes DC and vo_res??)
> > Thus we have a flexible and extensible registry system
> > through the magic of OAI.
> I'm not sure OAI *gives* us anything. If most of our 
> registries are implemented as web services, OAI harvesting 
> method (I believe it is cgi based, no?) is more of a burden. 
> I would have thought that for the Jan demo it might be easier 
> to mandate a simple web service method along the lines I 
> suggested in http://ivoa.net/forum/registry/0600.htm . Those 
> who can also implement an OAI interface can do so and report 
> back on its efficacy.
> Cheers,
> Tony. 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-registry at eso.org [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org]
> > On Behalf Of Roy Williams
> > Sent: 05 October 2003 19:26
> > To: registry at ivoa.net
> > Subject: extending the registry
> > 
> > 
> > I am thinking that people will use the VOResource as a
> > springboard to their own specialized registry. For example, a 
> > collection of educational resources, with crosslinks to 
> > schools and people where they have been used. It would be 
> > harvested and shared within that community. They make a 
> > schema and agree it with their community, called perhaps 
> > EduAstro.xsd. This schema would probably include 
> > VOResource.xsd, so they would not need to rebuild all that.
> > 
> > Then their OAI servers will offer all three metadata 
> formats for each
> > record:
> > 
> >     -- Dublin Core
> >     -- VOResource
> >     -- EduAstro
> > 
> > The widest understanding is DC, next is VOResource, and only
> > the small group understands EduAstro.
> > 
> > A DC harvester (eg University Library) would just harvest DC.
> > A VO registry would harvest the more specific VOResource. 
> > Only the small community would have registries that 
> > understand EduAstro.
> > 
> > Thus we have a flexible and extensible registry system
> > through the magic of OAI.
> > 
> > Roy
> > 
> > --------
> > Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research
> > roy at cacr.caltech.edu 626 395 3670
> > 

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