[Quality] another can of worms

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Fri Nov 21 01:36:00 PST 2003

If anyone replies to this, please do NOT multipost.

Martin: if you want to get everyone's attention, use the interop list and
point them to the post if it really is that important or split the post into
the areas that need attention in each list.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-dm at eso.org [mailto:owner-dm at eso.org] On Behalf Of 
> Martin Hill
> Sent: 20 November 2003 23:23
> To: dm at ivoa.net; dal at ivoa.net; registry at ivoa.net
> Subject: [Quality] another can of worms
> Hi all
> I've been wondering what to do about quality, and how to describe it.
> We have a general one - if we allow anyone to publish to the 
> VO, how do 
> we describe a datacenter's quality?  There are datacenters 
> setup for a 
> sky survey, with all the processing involved that has been set up by 
> teams of astronomers (presumably?) double checking each 
> other. And there 
> is data published by a small group or an individual so that 
> people can 
> access it, but which has not gone through such a rigorous set 
> of tests. 
>   We don't really want a general query to the registry 
> returning both as 
> 'equals value' (or do we?).
> We also have a smaller scale one - each item of data may need to be 
> marked.  For example, a sky survey may have items that have 
> been marked 
> as 'possibly satellite track' or 'instrument feature' (is 
> that the word? 
> such as diffraction spikes?)
> It's surfaced occasionally in some groups as a 'placeholder' 
> but doesn't 
> seem to have been dealt with in itself.  Has anyone come up with a 
> framework (I can't find a general one)?  If not, where do we 
> start?  Is 
> a 'placeholder' sufficient for all three groups (dal/dm/registry) to 
> start with?
> I've posted this across all three groups for discussions 
> about quality 
> and what it means/implies on a large scale. Obviously it should split 
> down when it becomes more specific!  Such as whether 
> [Quantity] should 
> include [Quality] as well as [Error]; and whether this is the same 
> [Quality] as that attached to a dataset... :-)
> Cheers,
> Martin
> -- 
> Software Engineer
> AstroGrid @ ROE
> Tel: +44 7901 55 24 66
> www.astrogrid.org

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