who is actively developing with VOResource?

Jeongin Lee jlee at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Nov 20 10:45:46 PST 2003


I'm not a non-NVO person but have been actively developing
NASA/HEASARC resource metadata with VOResouce.

I have successfully added a few samples
for the latest VOResource-compliant schemas in the OAI-registry.

You could try to harvest the resources using these commands,




>Hi folks,
>I'd like to hear who is involved in using the VOResource metadata and how
>things are going.  I've been in intense communication with people here in
>the NVO project, but I haven't heard too much from abroad.  Could some
>non-NVO people post a few words?
>As my previous message indicated, issues are coming up that we will need
>to deal with, and it would be good to hear about who is dealing with them
>and how.
>There are various issues that have come up in the NVO experience so far:
>   *  The Coverage mark-up is a temporary stand-in, and it hasn't been well
>      reviewed and exercised.  Is it sufficient?
>        o  there was a suggestion that we alter it to allow
>           multiple, alternative spatial coverage descriptions where one in
>           the ICRS frame would be required.
>   *  There remains a problem in VODataService-v0.4 with the use of a fixed
>      attribute. 
>   *  There was a suggestion that there could be an easier/better way to
>      identify specific kinds of services (e.g. SIA) than with
>      the StandardID element.
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