ResourceKey validation error

Tony Linde ael at
Thu Nov 20 10:29:10 PST 2003

>   Since I suggested it, I vote for it :)

Me too, three? four? Whatever!

> Replacing:
> '[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+(/[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)])*'
> with:
> '[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+(/[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+)*'

Obvious when you look at :)

Well done Sebastien.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at [mailto:owner-registry at] 
> On Behalf Of Sebastien Derriere
> Sent: 20 November 2003 17:57
> To: Ray Plante
> Cc: registry at
> Subject: Re: ResourceKey validation error
> Ray Plante wrote:
> > 
> > I like ivo_vor, and we do need to agree.
> > 
>   Since I suggested it, I vote for it :)
>   I think I fixed the problem for ResourceKey. The regExp was 
> malformed. Just a '+' missing, which only allowed one-char 
> long words after the first / (like 'word/x/y/z', but not 
> 'word/ab/xyz')
> Replacing:
> '[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+(/[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)])*'
> with:
> '[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+(/[\w\d\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+)*'
> should do it.
> Sebastien.
> -- 
>     _______
>    /  ~   /, Sebastien Derriere   mailto:derriere at
>   / ~~~~ //  Observatoire de Strasbourg    Phone +33 (0) 390 242 444
>  /______//   11, rue de l'universite     Telefax +33 (0) 390 242 417
> (______(/    F-67000 Strasbourg  France

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