R(S)M v0.8

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Wed Jul 9 12:15:37 PDT 2003

I submit for your review V0.8 of the R(S)M document.  I will work with Marco
Leoni tomorrow to get the various formats of this (htm, pdf, doc) available
in the new Documents directory on ivoa.net.  For now I am attaching only the
htm version, which is the smallest.  Don't be disturbed if the logo does not

Here is the list of changes from V0.7 (extracted from Section 6 of the
document itself).  I have (somewhat reluctantly) changed the document title,
and I have added a few more elements in response to requests from Anita and
others (various resolution elements, various coverage elements).  I added
the Dublin Core element Source to make room for a bibliographic reference, a
bit of information I was frustrated at not being able to capture in the NVO
registry prototype.  I am not very happy about Coverage.Depth.Units -- I'd
rather assert that Coverage.Depth is measured in one unit.

We have just completed our NVO prototype registry in preparation for the IAU
demos next week, and I believe there are some interesting lessons-learned.
I will try to write up some thoughts on this during the 14-hour flight from


·         Title:  Document renamed to "Resource Metadata for the Virtual
Observatory" recognizing that services are a subset of resources.

·         Section 2:  Made several minor wording changes to reflect generic
use of the term "resource", which encompasses "service".

·         Section 2:  Added definitions for metadata elements that are not
provided, unknown, or not applicable.  Replaces previous discussion at end
of Section 3.3.

·         Section 2:  Added definitions for aggregate resources whose
contents might include "any" or "all" of a given metadata element's types.

·         Sections 2 and 3:  Added note in Section 2 describing relationship
of VO metadata to Dublin Core.  In Section 3, changed references to Dublin
Core to cite those elements  that are the same as DC rather than those
elements that are different from DC.

·         Section 3.1:  Changed Ticker to ShortName and extended string
length from 8 to 16 characters.

·         Section 3.2:  Changed "based on" to "drawn from" the IAU Astronomy
Thesaurus, concerning the selection of Subject metadata.

·         Section 3.2:  Added metadata element Source (from Dublin Core),
allowing for a cross reference to the bibcode (or other form of citation)
for an associated bibliographic reference.

·         Section 3.3:  Extended Type to include Organization and Project.

·         Section 3.3:  Modified Coverage.Spatial to conform to Region
specification of Space-Time Metadata definitions.

·         Section 3.3:  Clarified definition of RegionOfRegard (which is NOT
the angular resolution).

·         Section 3.3:  Added Coverage.Depth.Units to provide separate field
for units string.

·         Section 3.3:  Added Coverage.SkyFraction.

·         Section 3.3:  Added Resolution.Spatial, Resolution.Spectral, and
Resolution.Temporal elements.

·         Section 3.3:  Changed examples for Format to use standard MIME

·         Section 5:  Updated example to include above changes and

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