URGENT: Registry workgroup kickoff meeting: Who can come? How?

Marco Leoni Marco.Leoni at eso.org
Thu Feb 20 05:32:32 PST 2003

Hi Tony,

>1. Can you physically come to a registry kick-off meeting on 19/20 March
>in London?

>2. Can you still come if the meeting is elsewhere in UK (Edinburgh,
>Cambridge, etc)?

>3. Would you prefer or be able to attend the meeting by AccessGrid node?

>The LeSC has an AG node but will only accommodate up to 10 people. So if
>we're to do this I'll have to restrict the number of attendees in
>London. We may be able to use the NeSC AG node which would accommodate
>more people but I've not checked. I need to know how many people and by
>which method they wish to attend.


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