handling metadata with multiple values

Doug Mink dmink at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Aug 12 12:00:15 PDT 2003

Anita Richards wrote:
> Ah - in the AstroGrid Registry group we came to the opposite conclusion -
> that for human maintenance of the registry entries for data sets, at
> least, it was easier for lists to be in container elements as it makes it
> much easier to see (in a properly indented document) where one
> type of element ends and the next begins.
> There are some exceptions at present for 'very important' elements with
> short lists.
> However you can call the items something more informative, for example
> <ucdList>
>   <ucd></ucd>
>   <ucd></ucd>
>   <ucd></ucd>
>   <ucd></ucd>
> </ucdList>

If there is only one item, would it be simply


or would it be


If I'm querying <ucd>, would the server know to search for the tag inside
<ucdList>, too, or would I have to ask for both <ucdList> and <ucd>?
Would the standard predict which tags could have multiple values and
be turned into <tagList></tagList>?

-Doug Mink

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