[Radioig] Meeting twiki page Re: Radio IG running meeting and ObsCore extension for radio data news

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Apr 12 10:42:42 CEST 2024

Dear all,

You can find the dedicated page for this meeting with presentations and 
Notes here: 

The general page of the RadioIG with links to github material and all 
dedicated interop sessions or running meetings is available here :


Best regards

Mark and François

PS : don't hesitate to propose a presentation for our RadioIG session at 
next interop

Le 05/04/2024 à 08:10, BONNAREL FRANCOIS via dm a écrit :
> Dear all,
> The RadiomIG meeting ils today at noon UTC
> The zoom link is the following : 
> https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/93534017451?pwd=T0lVQmpTbHFyTXBYUlZKWmRuQmV6UT09
> Cheers
> François and Mark
> Le 08/03/2024 à 11:39, BONNAREL FRANCOIS via dm a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> After discussion with Mireille who is the only missing person on 
>> Friday the 5th of april, I decided to confirm this date.
>> So please save the date : 5th of April 12-14 UTC.
>> Cheers
>> François
>> Le 07/03/2024 à 11:24, BONNAREL FRANCOIS a écrit :
>>> Dear all,
>>> The poll clearly indicates the 5th of April (Friday) for the 
>>> meeting, but one of our colleague cannot make it this day and would 
>>> like to be there absolutely.
>>> So I added two slots on the 8th and 9th.
>>> Can you consider to fill the poll for these two new dates ?
>>> If you have lost the editing list just send me an email.
>>> Cheers
>>> François
>>> Le 04/03/2024 à 18:06, BONNAREL FRANCOIS a écrit :
>>>> People from DM WG interested are welcome of course because the 
>>>> extension is ported by this WG eventually.
>>>> Le 04/03/2024 à 18:05, BONNAREL FRANCOIS via dm a écrit :
>>>>> Dear Single dish friends and visibility data fans or VLBI gurus,
>>>>> Mark Kettenis and I plan to have a running meeting during the 
>>>>> first week of April
>>>>> Please choose the date here :
>>>>> https://evento.renater.fr/survey/radio-ig-running-meeting-dm-wg-invited-ya3w9rhc 
>>>>> Should be OK for everybody from Australia to US / Canada East 
>>>>> coast + South America. (8AM-11PM)
>>>>> For western US and Canada (Victoria) + Hawaï just tell me if you 
>>>>> want a dedicated session.
>>>>> Agenda :
>>>>>      1 ) going to PR for ObsCore extension. There are prototypes 
>>>>> of implementation. An effort is going on about science cases 
>>>>> (issue 
>>>>> https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData/issues/47) 
>>>>> . Discussion raised by the 2023 november release of the working 
>>>>> draft took place on the mailing list. But the content have been 
>>>>> copied on the ivoa wiki dedicated page : 
>>>>> https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData 
>>>>> and also on github as issues #48,#49,#50,#51,#52
>>>>> We also have a PR by Markus to discuss 
>>>>> (https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData) and 
>>>>> probably another one before the runnin meeting.
>>>>>     2 ) upgrade of implementation review note. If you have new 
>>>>> things which happened in the 2021 note , please send us or 
>>>>> directly create PRs on https://github.com/ivoa/RadioVOImplementation/
>>>>> Also valid if you didn't appear in the 2021 note and have 
>>>>> something to say now !
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> François

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