[Radioig] Radio IG running meeting and ObsCore extension for radio data news

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Mon Mar 4 18:05:19 CET 2024

Dear Single dish friends and visibility data fans or VLBI gurus,

Mark Kettenis and I plan to have a running meeting during the first week 
of April

Please choose the date here :


Should be OK for everybody from Australia to US / Canada East coast + 
South America. (8AM-11PM)

For western US and Canada (Victoria) + Hawaï just tell me if you want a 
dedicated session.

Agenda :

      1 ) going to PR for ObsCore extension. There are prototypes of 
implementation. An effort is going on about science cases (issue 
https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData/issues/47) . 
Discussion raised by the 2023 november release of the working draft took 
place on the mailing list. But the content have been copied on the ivoa 
wiki dedicated page : 

and also on github as issues #48,#49,#50,#51,#52

We also have a PR by Markus to discuss 
(https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData) and probably 
another one before the runnin meeting.

     2 ) upgrade of implementation review note. If you have new things 
which happened in the 2021 note , please send us or directly create PRs 
on https://github.com/ivoa/RadioVOImplementation/

Also valid if you didn't appear in the 2021 note and have something to 
say now !



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