[Radioig] Comments on ObsCore extension and Pulsar/FRB draft documents

Alessandra Zanichelli alessandra.zanichelli at inaf.it
Thu Aug 24 18:06:06 CEST 2023

Dear all,
in view of the running meeting next week we would like to share with you 
an updated version of the document we circulated last November, 
reporting some considerations on specific ObsCore parameters and their 
values for radio data.


Comments are welcome!

Alessandra and Vincenzo

Alessandra Zanichelli
Istituto di Radioastronomia - INAF
Via Gobetti, 101
I-40129 Bologna - Italy

Email: a.zanichelli at ira.inaf.it
Phone: +39-051-6399366
Fax:   +39-051-6399431

Il 2022-11-17 18:57 Alessandra Zanichelli ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> we would like to share with the Radio Interest Group some 
> considerations triggered by our work on single dish/pulsar data and 
> related to the two draft documents: IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio 
> data Version 1.0 (IVOA Note 2022-10-14) and Pulsar and FRB Radio Data 
> Discovery and Access Version 1.0 (IVOA Note 2022-09-22).
> We hope these considerations may be useful to trigger some discussion 
> before moving them to issues on the github version of the documents.
> We thought that - at this preliminary stage - a Google document may be 
> more efficient to share ideas and comments in a collaborative manner, 
> this is the link:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CQZytl5B2n5vojn7bcVakLSzAig_ymGgIdwy74ssFXo/edit?usp=sharing
> Please feel free to suggest and comment as you like.
> Cheers,
> Alessandra, Vincenzo and Marco
> ------------------------------------------
> Alessandra Zanichelli
> Istituto di Radioastronomia - INAF
> Via Gobetti, 101
> I-40129 Bologna - Italy
> Email: a.zanichelli at ira.inaf.it
> Phone: +39-051-6399366
> Fax:   +39-051-6399431
> ------------------------------------------

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