[Radioig] Interop session

Mark Lacy mlacy at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 22 22:29:50 CET 2023

Dear Radio Interest group members,

      We invite you to participate in the Radio IG session of the IVOA 
interop which will occur Wednesday May 10th at 2 PM UTC. The interop 
meeting will be face to face for the first time since the northern Fall 
meeting in 2019. Remote access will be provided, but we encourage you to 
come in Bologna in person if possible.

      We are open to suggestions for contributed talks (in person or 
remote), in particular, we encourage radio astronomy projects to present 
their VO developments: implementation of VO services, data access via 
e.g. VO jupyter notebooks or from platforms, and ideas for evolution of 
standards beneficial to radio astronomy data access.

      Please send the your talk proposals to us (mlacy at nrao.edu, 
francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr) and/or post them in the Radio 
Interest Group Slack channel. Presentations should be around 15 minutes 
including 2-3 minutes for questions.


Mark Lacy & Francois Bonnarel

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