[Radioig] Comments on ObsCore extension and Pulsar/FRB draft documents

Alessandra Zanichelli alessandra.zanichelli at inaf.it
Thu Nov 17 18:57:03 CET 2022

Dear all,
we would like to share with the Radio Interest Group some considerations 
triggered by our work on single dish/pulsar data and related to the two 
draft documents: IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data Version 1.0 (IVOA 
Note 2022-10-14) and Pulsar and FRB Radio Data Discovery and Access 
Version 1.0 (IVOA Note 2022-09-22).
We hope these considerations may be useful to trigger some discussion 
before moving them to issues on the github version of the documents.

We thought that - at this preliminary stage - a Google document may be 
more efficient to share ideas and comments in a collaborative manner, 
this is the link:

Please feel free to suggest and comment as you like.

Alessandra, Vincenzo and Marco

Alessandra Zanichelli
Istituto di Radioastronomia - INAF
Via Gobetti, 101
I-40129 Bologna - Italy

Email: a.zanichelli at ira.inaf.it
Phone: +39-051-6399366
Fax:   +39-051-6399431

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