[Radioig] First release of the implementation note

Baptiste Cecconi baptiste.cecconi at obspm.fr
Mon May 24 22:46:51 CEST 2021

Hi François, 

here are my notes in the document (I can wait for the github repo to propose modifications to the text), but I copy here the 2 main comments that I have:


I think this protocol (currently in RFC, soon in PR) should be mentioned in the document, since the Solar system radio astronomy data (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, etc) can't be exposed through ObsTAP. Furthermore, if you search on VESPA with measurement_type LIKE '%em.radio%', you will get 11 services, covering more than 180k individual data products. 

Data format:

I agree that the RadioIG and the IVOA shall not try to enforce data format policies. However, I think it could be within the scope of the RadioIG to recommend a convergence on data format and metadata, recommending a sub-set of commonly used formats. 
Additionally, while I agree that we should acknowledge the use of the HDF5 format, I think our role here should be to foster interoperability. In that sense, we should speak about metadata dictionaries (and mapping between dictionaries) rather than formats. In the case of "HDF5", this is critical: since mentioning the format doesn't tell anything about the metadata dictionary in use. It would be interesting to review the various radio astronomy HDF5 flavours, and try to converge on a set of agreed implementation, like the LOFAR ICD documents, which describe the HDF5 layout and dictionaries for various data product types. 


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> Le 22 mai 2021 à 10:11, BONNAREL FRANCOIS <francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> The first release of our radio astronomy in the VO implementation note has been released as an ivoa note. Thanks to all contributors.
> https://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/RadioVOImp/
> This note will be shortly presented during the interoperability meeting RadioIG session.
> A github project will be soon opened for raising issues and propose PR
> Cheers
> François and Mark

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