[Radioig] Virtual meeting May 6th 10:00UT and 16:00UT

Mark Lacy mlacy at nrao.edu
Tue Apr 27 20:44:34 CEST 2021

Hi All,

We are a bit overdue for another meeting of the Radio Interest Group, 
and Francois and I thought it would be useful to have a meeting before 
the next IVOA interop at the end of May, so we've scheduled one for May 
6th. As before, we'll have two meetings with the same agenda separated 
by several hours  (10:00UT and 16:00UT) so those of you in different 
timezones only need attend one.


* proposed changes to ObsCore to support radio data

* status of the implementation note

* agenda for the radio interest group session at the interop

* Any other business

Zoom details (same for both timeslots):

Videoconf Info
System Type: Zoom Online Meeting
System Name: NRAO Zoom 03 Meeting
Web URL: https://go.nrao.edu/nraozoom03
Audio-only: +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 796 700 8455
Passcode: 472141



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