From tcivera at Fri Oct 4 14:05:57 2024 From: tcivera at (Tamara Civera) Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 14:05:57 +0200 Subject: [Ops] Call for contributions to the Operations session at Nov 2024 IVOA Message-ID: Dear Operations Interest Group and IVOA, The next IVOA Interop meeting will take place in La Valleta, Malta, with the option of remote participation, on 14-17 November ( ). The Ops IG is planning one session, so we invite contributions under the following focus areas: - Communication and feedback between ops services and data providers: your experiences or proposals to improve it. - Practical issues, questions or experience related to operating services that implement VO standards. - A "site report" - a presentation of how your (large or small) site or organization provides VO services. - Operations in the Cloud. - Operational aspects of authentication, such as load management or tracking of problematic activity. - Validation - your experience of either providing or using software that checks VO services for correctness. If you would like to present something under one of these areas or discuss the possibility of doing so, or if you want to raise a subject for discussion, please contact both me and Steve Groom, below. In your submission, please, include a title and a short description of your contribution. Steve Groom (Chair) sgroom at Tamara Civera (Vice-Chair) tcivera at We look forward to receiving your contributions and having a productive meeting in Malta! Operations Interest Group -- Tamara Civera Lorenzo Scientific Database Engineer Logotipo CEFCA *Centro de Estudios de F?sica del Cosmos de Arag?n* * Plaza San Juan n? 1, piso 2? * 44001 Teruel * Tfno: +34978221266 - Ext: 1116 * Fax: +34978602334 * Email: tcivera at * Url: Este correo electr?nico y, en su caso,?cualquier archivo adjunto al mismo,?contiene informaci?n de car?cter?confidencial exclusivamente dirigida a su?destinatario. Queda prohibida su?divulgaci?n, copia o distribuci?n a terceros?sin la previa autorizaci?n escrita de?nuestra entidad. En el caso de haber?recibido este correo electr?nico por error,?por favor, elim?nelo de inmediato y?notifique esta circunstancia al?remitente. En conformidad con lo establecido en las?normativas vigentes de Protecci?n de?Datos a nivel nacional y europeo, le?informamos que en la Fundaci?n CEFCA?tenemos un inter?s leg?timo para tratar sus datos de contacto con la finalidad de informarle de?nuestras actividades y?gestionar sus?peticiones. Sus datos no?ser?n cedidos a?terceros, y los?conservaremos s?lo?mientras sea?necesario para el?mantenimiento de?nuestra relaci?n o la?gesti?n de su?solicitud. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso,?rectificaci?n y supresi?n de sus datos, as??como los derechos de limitaci?n y?oposici?n a su tratamiento con fines?promocionales, escribiendo a rgpd at Tambi?n?puede dirigirse?a nuestro Delegado de?Protecci?n de?Datos para cualquier?consulta relacionada?con nuestra pol?tica?de privacidad,?escribiendo a dpd at . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This email and, when appropriate, any file attached to it, contains confidential information exclusively addressed to its recipient. It is forbidden the disclosure, copying or distribution of this email to third parties without the prior written authorization of our entity. Should you have received this email by mistake, please delete it immediately and notify the sender of this circumstance. According to the provisions of current Data Protection regulations at national and European level, we inform you that at CEFCA we have a legitimate interest to process your contact data in order to inform you of our activities and manage your requests. Your data will not be transferred to third parties, and we will keep it only as long as it is necessary for the maintenance of our relationship or the management of your request. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of your data, as well as the rights of limitation and opposition to its treatment for promotional purposes, by writing to rgpd at You can also contact our Data Protection Officer for any query related to our privacy policy, writing to dpd at . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: logo.png Type: image/png Size: 3470 bytes Desc: not available URL: