[Ops] Operations IG call for contributions

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Mar 23 23:02:01 CET 2023

Dear Operations Interest Group and IVOA,

the next IVOA Interop meeting will take place in Bologna,
with the option of remote participation, on 8-12 May
The Ops IG are planning two sessions.
We invite contributions under the following headings:

 - Practical issues, questions or experience related to operating
   services that implement VO standards

 - A "site report" - a presentation of how your (large or small) site
   or organisation provides VO services

 - Operations in the Cloud

 - Operational aspects of authentication

 - Validation - your experience of either providing or using software
   that checks VO services for correctness

Ops IG will also participate in a plenary session on science platforms
in collaboration with Apps, CSP, DALI, GWS and KDIG.

If you would like to present something under one of these headings,
or discuss the possibility of doing so, or if you want to raise a
subject for discussion, please contact me and/or Steve Groom.

Mark Taylor (Chair)
Steve Groom (Vice-Chair)
Operations Interest Group

Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk          http://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/~mbt/

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