[Ops] taplint and ObsCore Erratum #1

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Dec 17 13:00:09 CET 2020

This is of interest to taplint users (I've decided that the Ops mailing
list is a good place for this kind of update).

Thanks to a report from Alberto Micol, I've just realised that
there are parts of ObsCore-1.1 Erratum #1
that are not incorporated in the current taplint release.  
I did apply this Erratum at STILTS v3.2, but using an earlier form 
than the one that is currently accepted, so the change to the
dataproduct_type and dataproduct_subtype UCDs
(from meta.id to meta.class.code) was not included.

The taplint in the next STILTS release will apply this change,
so if your ObsCore service still uses meta.id as the UCD for
dataproduct_type and dataproduct_subtype you will start to see
new Errors:

   E-OBS-CUCD-1 Wrong UCD in ObsCore column dataproduct_type: meta.id != meta.code.class (used to be correct, but changed by ObsCore Erratum)
   E-OBS-CUCD-2 Wrong UCD in ObsCore column dataproduct_subtype: meta.id != meta.code.class (used to be correct, but changed by ObsCore Erratum)

You can find a pre-release taplint with the new behaviour here:



Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk +44-117-9288776  http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/

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