[Ops] New IVOA Validation Page

Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov
Mon Apr 25 21:25:50 CEST 2016

Hi Mark,

With your additions I think it's really beginning to take shape. I've 
added in placeholders for all of the protocols
that aren't in yet.  There are at least a couple more that have 
validators somewhere (e.g., UCDs) but I didn't dig them up.

Maybe we should highlight protocols where a validator is mission. I.e.
    - the standard has become a recommendation
    - no validator is available
    -  a validator makes sense

E.g., mark the status field in red for those.  However I think we'd want 
to go over that during the Interop before
doing that.


Mark Taylor wrote:
> Tom,
> I've added/updated some entries to the validation page for packages
> that I'm responsible for: stilts votlint for VOTable,
> JSAMP HubTester for SAMP, STILTS taplint for TAPRegExt, UWS,
> ADQL and ObsCore.
> I also noted some work by other people: Gregory Mantelet's
> ADQL parser, Norman Gray's Unity library for VOUints,
> Markus's RegTAP test suite, plus brief pointers to a couple
> of UWS validators I'm aware of.
> A search of recent RFC pages might turn up some more.
> I also added one category to the "type" column: "Library" indicates
> some validation code that can be incorporated into other applications.
> Where the standard describes something like a syntax (rather than
> something like a service) - e.g. ADQL, VOUnits - this seems like
> the most obvious form in which a validator is likely to exist.
> Such libraries are useful, though less obviously usable as they
> stand in an Operations context; if you don't think they belong
> here we can discuss it.
> By all means revise if you want to.
> Mark
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2016, Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) wrote:
>> During the last TCG telecon I volunteered to help put up a page providing an
>> introduction and summary of all validation capabilities associated with IVOA
>> standards. I've begun this effort at
>> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaValidatorsSummary where my plan
>> would be to ultimately mirror the IVOA standards page with an entry for every
>> standard -- there's a long way to go.  There will be a talk on this at Cape
>> Town, but I'd certainly be interested in comments earlier or from those who
>> are not attending.
>>   I've sent out this original note generally, but I'd suggest responses on the
>> Ops list.  Feel free to comment on the format, arrangement and such as well as
>> the content.  What would make this most useful to the IVOA and our
>> constituents?
>> I would be <very> appreciative of people responsible for various validation
>> capabilities adding to or revising the current entries.
>>      Regards,
>>      Tom McGlynn
> --
> Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
> m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk +44-117-9288776  http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/
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