[Media] Media group/CSP/Exec telecon reminder ... Thu (May10) @15:00 UTC

Janet Evans jdeponte at cfa.harvard.edu
Wed May 9 23:44:33 CEST 2018

Dear Media Group, Bruno (CSP lead) and Exec -

Here’s a reminder of the Media group telecon scheduled for tomorrow - May 10.

>> Media group/CSP/Exec telecon - Thu, May 10 @15:00 UTC

The WebEx info is appended below.

Here are the open/working actions we’ll review: 
 o Action 70-3: Media group – Take first steps to organize what needs to be done with regard to Web Pages – WORKING

 o Action 70-4: Media Group/CSP – Coordinate and report to the Exec with a proposal to address the IVOA Web Portal.

 o Action 69-2: Media Group/PF/MA/FG – Review/update IVOA Top Web page for content (exec member input) and addition of new media attributes (e.g., twitter, FB) by media group. 

I suggest the following agenda:
  o Review Actions
  o Open discussion
  o Followup in Victoria??
  o AOB

Best regards,

Meeting number (access code): 857 527 595
Host key: 212358
Meeting password: IVOA2018

1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

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Toll-free dialing restrictions: 

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