[Media] Actions from June 2017 Media group/Exec telecon

Janet Evans janet at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Mar 5 22:42:19 CET 2018

Dear IVOA Media Group Folks,

Tomorrow there is an IVOA Exec telecon.  I though it a good idea to try and get an updated on the
following actions taken at the IVOA Exec/Media group telecon on June 07, 2017.  If possible, I’d like
to be able to report any updates on the actions below.  Even if the updates don’t make the meeting,
I can update the Action status as part of the meeting notes preparation step.  The meeting is Tue,
Mar 06 @15:00 UTC.
ACTION70-2: BB – Organize email list of relevant people/groups for mailing/notification of IVOA News such as the IVOA Newsletter – WORKING

ACTION70-3: Media group – Take first steps to organize what needs to be done with regard to Web Pages – WORKING

ACTION70-4: Media Group/CSP – Coordinate and report to the Exec with a proposal to address the IVOA Web Portal. – WORKING

ACTION 69-2: Media Group/PF/MA/FG – Review/update IVOA Top Web page for content (exec member input) and addition of new media attributes (e.g., twitter, FB) by media group. – WORKING 

Thanks in advance,
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