[Media] General status update and upcoming tasks

Marco Molinaro molinaro at oats.inaf.it
Fri Dec 15 08:34:20 CET 2017

Dear Jamie & Debbie, dear all,

2017-12-14 17:53 GMT+01:00 Budynkiewicz, Jamie Anne <
jbudynkiewicz at cfa.harvard.edu>:

> Dear all,
> Hope everyone is doing well. It's been awhile since we last met, so I
> asked Debbie if we could send out a status of the items on our plate.
> Here's a couple of highlighted tasks/notes that have due dates coming up:
> - IVOA newsletter (DB):  Sent to Exec and Media Group. Goal:  publish the
> week of **Dec. 18** -- (almost finished)
> - VO handouts for conferences:   an email was sent around yesterday asking
> for ideas.  A conversations' been started (thanks for the inputs so far).
> I talked with Pepi, and she says a good day to get a draft in would be for
> the next Exec meeting, **Dec. 19**.
>     ** For those of us at AAS, we could hand some out at the undergraduate
> reception, plus give some to IVOA-partners to put at their booths **if they
> want them**; Bruce mentioned some organizations have due dates for booth
> material, plus we need to make sure the content is OK with the parties
> involved.
> - Website:  I started to play around with the wordpress site again earlier
> this week, and realized the free wordpress blog doesn't let you add plugins
> or custom themes/CSS.  I brought this up to Pepi this morning.  We were
> thinking if it's worth it to pay for a test wordpress site so we can
> develop it together, or try to host the test site at CXC.
>    ** What do people think? Does anyone have suggestions / concerns? Note
> that we can still work on site content and organization with the current
> wordpress site.

Recently VObs.it renewed the domain name ivoa.net. In doing so we also
renewed the never used ivoa.info domain (that was bought not to confuse
people if someone else picks it up). It you have a way to use a test
machine we can arrange to have it resolve to that name, thus making it
easier to have it reacheable for those interested in setting up the pages.

     Marco (really late in picking up on the media&social things...)

>       Related, I came up with a draft front page and put it on Trello:
> https://trello.com/c/QI9wg93q/2-front-page-design. Comments/revisions are
> most welcome :)   If people have more ideas for the front page, please add
> it to the ticket (or send it to media at ivoa.net, or on Slack).
> - How are the social media accounts going? ;) I saw one person tagged the
> IVOA facebook page at the UN conference in Vienna (woot!).  We should come
> up with some scheduled posts plus some notes on what not to post to the
> IVOA accounts.  I plan to post stuff during AAS, so maybe that's a good
> first go at the media platforms, unless anyone has an objection.
> - VO Portal:  Bruno Merin is visiting CfA on Friday (Dec 15), and Pepi,
> Janet, Raffaele, and myself are meeting with Bruno to brainstorm options
> for the Portal.
>      ** If anyone has suggestions / concerns about the VO Portal that
> you'd like us to bring up with Bruno, let me or any of the attendees know.
> Of course, we recognize that it's the holidays and we're busy getting our
> projects in a good state before vacation/conferences/etc.. But if anyone
> has a little time to put in -- especially for the VO handouts -- it'd be
> great to get a head start.  I'll send a reminder of the task list after the
> holidays when we've got more time to plan.
> Thanks, and happy holidays!
> Jamie and Debbie
> --
> Jamie A. Budynkiewicz
> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
> Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
> 100 Acorn Park Dr. R-377 MS-81
> Cambridge, MA 02140
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