[kdd] Call for contributions to KD session at May 2024 IVOA

Raffaele D'Abrusco rdabrusc at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Apr 23 15:17:03 CEST 2024


This is an invitation to submit contributions for the Knowledge Discovery
Interest Group
session at the upcoming IVOA Spring 2024 Interoperability Meeting
<https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/2285/> (May 19-24), which
will be held in Sydney (Australia).

While contributions on all themes relevant to the IG
welcome, we particularly encourage
submissions about the potential impact and adoption of ML techniques like
Large Language
Models, Foundation models etc in the context of the Virtual Observatory.

If you would like to present a contribution, please send Yihan Tao (y.tao
at nao.cas.cn) and me
(rdabrusc at cfa.harvard.edu) a title and abstract.

Best regards,
- Raffaele and Yihan


Raffaele D'Abrusco

*Data Processing and Archive Astrophysicist*

Chandra X-Ray Center

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Office: (617) 495 7208

60 Garden Street | MS 67 | Cambridge, MA 02138

"We adore chaos because we love to produce order" (M.C. Escher)
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