[kdd] [CFP] Special Session on Data Science in Societal Debates DSSD'17 (co-located DSAA'17)

Stefano Cresci stefano.cresci at iit.cnr.it
Mon Apr 24 16:31:05 CEST 2017

[apologies for cross-postings]


                                      IEEE DSAA’17

                                    Special Session


                                     Tokyo, Japan

                                October 19-21, 2017




Nowadays, social media platforms, online blogs, and discussion forums are a
crucial component in the public sphere, fostering discussions and
influencing the public perception for a myriads of social issues such as
politics, security, climate, health, economics, migration, to name but a
few. On the one hand, this represents an unprecedented opportunity to
discuss and propose new ideas, giving voice to the crowds. On the other
hand however, new socio-technical issues arise, which are related to the
discussion of such controversial topics. Among the most pressing issues in
online societal debates, is the formation of so-called “echo chambers”,
i.e., situations where polarized like-minded people reinforce each other's
opinion, but do not get exposed to the views of the opposing side. Echo
chambers have a negative effect on society since polarized communities tend
to get isolated and only marginally exposed to unbiased information. As a
result, people belonging to echo chambers are more likely to incur in
extremization and hate. Unfortunately, misinformation is present also
outside of echo chambers. Indeed, rumor spreading, fake news, and hoaxes
are another major issue of all controversial social discussions, where
people try to influence the opposing side with questionable means.
Misinformation and political campaigns are sometimes also carried out by
groups of automated accounts that pollute and tamper the social environment
by injecting a large number of targeted messages.

This special session focuses on data science approaches to study, model,
characterize, and propose solutions to these, and other similar, challenges
related to all aspects of polarized, political, and controversial societal



Areas of interest to DSSD 2017 include, but are not limited to:

Methods and Techniques:


   Modeling of online societal debates;

   Modeling influence and influencers in societal debates;

   Monitoring discussion topics across time and space;

   Text analytics for sentiment analysis and opinion mining;

   Graph mining and network analysis for studying polarized communities;

   Modeling the spread of misinformation, rumors, fake news, hoaxes;

   Data-driven methods and techniques for detecting misinformation;

   Data-driven methods and techniques for detecting malicious, polluting,
   and tampering accounts.

Applications of data science methods and techniques to:


   Reduce polarization in online communities;

   Enforce social networks security and trust;

   Detect misinformation and malicious accounts in online communities;

   Detect and prevent extremization and hate in online discussions.



Paper submission to the DSSD 2017 special session follows the same rules of
the DSAA’17 main conference. Papers should be limited to a maximum of ten
(10) pages, in the IEEE 2-column format. All submissions should be prepared
for Double Blind reviewing. That is, neither the reviewers are revealed nor
the author information is to be disclosed.

Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair Conference System:

Please, select the “Special Session on Data Science in Societal Debates”
after logging in.



Submission: May 25, 2017

Notification: July 25, 2017

Camera ready: Aug 15, 2017

Conference: Oct 19-21, 2017



All accepted papers will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE
Xplore Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for EI
indexing through INSPEC by IEEE. Selected top quality papers will be
invited to submit to International Journal of Data Science and Analytics
(JDSA, Springer).



Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield (UK)

Aristides Gionis, Aalto University (Finland)

Maurizio Tesconi, National Research Council (Italy)

Stefano Cresci, National Research Council (Italy)



Dino Pedreschi, University of Pisa (Italy)

Michael Mathioudakis, Aalto University (Finland)

Fred Morstatter, Arizona State University (USA)

Thomas Risse, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)

Roberto Di Pietro, Nokia Bell Labs Paris (France)

Onur Varol, Indiana University (USA)

Izabela Moise, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Marinella Petrocchi, National Research Council (Italy)

Luca Maria Aiello, Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge (UK)

Takeshi Sakaki, University of Tokyo (Japan)

Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Qatar Computing Research Institute (Qatar)

Marcelo Mendoza, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile)

Mark Cotè, King’s College London (UK)
Angelo Spognardi, DTU Compute (Denmark)

*Stefano Cresci*

Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
National Research Council (CNR)
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1
56124 Pisa (Italy)

Phone: *+39 050 315 8272*
Mobile: *+39 328 1330773*
Skype: *mystic_ste*
Web:* http://www.iit.cnr.it/stefano.cresci
Twitter: *@s_cresci <https://twitter.com/s_cresci>*
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