[kdd] Algorithm vocabularies

zakaria meliani zakaria.meliani at obspm.fr
Mon Feb 20 02:08:37 PST 2012

I am Zakaria Meliani from VO-Paris and I am working with F. Le Petit in the VO-Theory interest group. I allow myself to contact you to draw your attention on algorithm vocabularies since the KDD group may be interested by such vocabularies.

For VO-Theory, we need to develop SKOS vocabularies for different categories of concepts and among them algorithms. May you have a look at our present list of algorithms concepts and tell us if such effort could be useful for the KDD I.G. :
and please let us know if there are any needs to implement others Algorithm concepts which you use in you framework.

Best regards
zakaria Meliani

Zakaria Meliani
Associate Astronomer
Observatoire de Paris
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