[kdd] KDD-IG Data Mining Guide Updated

Ball, Nick Nick.Ball at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Sat Mar 19 16:02:11 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

The KDD-IG data mining guide ( http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaKDDguide ) is now taking shape. 

I would like to extend my thanks to Sabine McConnell, who has written sections 3 and 4. We also have material to fill out section 5.

As well as previously writing section 1, I have now filled out sections 2, 7 and 8.

This leaves just sections 6 and 9 as the least developed.

If anyone would like to contribute to these or other sections, feel free to either let me know, or just go ahead and add to the pages. Suggestions for additions to the guide are also welcome. The intention is for the guide to continue to grow and evolve, so contributions do not have to be large, or 'final'. I will keep an eye on the pages to make sure they remain consistent and coherent.

Sections 2, 7 and 8 are largely bulleted lists, such as papers, or links, so even single additions are welcome.

***Although the lists are of a moderate length, it is highly likely that some of the valuable contributions to the field, by group members or others, that should be listed, are not yet present!***

A reminder of the sections:

1: What is 'data mining', and why is it important in astronomy?
2: Examples of improved results enabled by data mining techniques
3: Overview of the data mining process
4: The main data mining algorithms
5: Which algorithm to use?
6: Present and future directions
7: Algorithms and techniques astronomers could benefit from but seldom use
8: Links: Books, papers, websites
9: Worked example(s)

Currently, the construction of the guide has no deadline. A reasonable timescale might be for the IG to aim to have a draft guide available by the IVOA Interop in May.

I do not have plans to attend the interop, but might possibly be able to if it would be beneficial. I will be attending the Workshop on Astrostatistics and Data Mining in Astronomical Databases on La Palma May 30 - Jun 4, as announced by Luis on Feb 20th. (+ I have only sporadic email access Mar 24-28.)


Nick Ball
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
5071 West Saanich Road
Victoria, BC  V9E 2E7

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