[kdd] Call for Papers - Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding 2011 - due date May 13

Kirk D Borne kborne at gmu.edu
Mon Apr 18 16:06:51 PDT 2011

(Apologies for duplicate mailings)

Please consider submitting a manuscript to this year's Conference
on Intelligent Data Understanding (CIDU'2011).  The conference
will be held in Mountain View, California (near the NASA Ames Research
Center) on October 20-21, with the possibility of a half-day tutorial 
on a special topic to be added to the schedule.

You can read about the CIDU theme areas and the call for papers here:

Specifically, the conference seeks papers that describe research
results from data mining, machine learning, and intelligent data
understanding within any of the conference application areas:  Space Science, 
Earth & Environmental Systems, and Aerospace & Engineering Systems.

For example, Space Science topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

� On-board and real-time machine learning
� Decision making under uncertainty
� Constraint-driven data mining and machine learning
� Event mining and robotic telescopes
� Unsupervised and supervised learning in astrophysics
� Highly scalable algorithms
� Risk management in space missions
� Classification in large sky surveys

Key Dates:

Papers submissions due: May 13, 2011
Acceptance notification: July 8, 2011
Camera-ready papers due: July 29, 2011

I hope that you will consider submitting a manuscript and participating
in this conference.  For your information, last year's CIDU-2010 conference
proceedings are available here:  https://c3.ndc.nasa.gov/dashlink/projects/35/

Finally, I also wish to make you aware of another conference within short
driving distance from the CIDU conference, during the same week (Oct. 18-19):
the 2011 XLDB (eXtremely Large Databases) conference at SLAC on the campus
of Stanford University.  Details are available here:  
http://xldb.org/  and  http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/xldb2011/
This conference (the 5th in a series) focuses on research initiatives and the 
exchange of ideas among builders and users of extremely large databases,
specifically including scientific and astronomical databases.

Thank you.

- Kirk Borne
  Space Science Area Chair, CIDU-2011 Scientific Organizing Committee

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