[kdd] Progress on 'A user guide for Data Mining in Astronomy' on the KDD-IG TWiki, and Call for Input/Volunteers

Nick Ball nick.ball at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Sun Sep 5 17:50:31 PDT 2010

Hi everyone,

Some updates on 'A user guide for Data Mining in Astronomy' on the KDD-IG TWiki ( http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaKDDguide ).

I put some paragraphs in section 1 to introduce and motivate the guide. My aim is to concisely introduce the subject in a way that talks to the open-minded but possibly skeptical non-data-mining astronomer, providing the important points without making it so long that they don't read it.

Sabine McConnell has volunteered to work on sections 3-5, based on her previous tutorials such as that from ADASS 2007. [1]

I would like to solicit input for section 2 (examples of improved science). In particular, those that go beyond just providing classifications, photo-zs, etc. but give better answers to what the community at large would consider science questions.

Likewise, I can supply a few items for sections 7 and 8, but the combined knowledge of the group is far greater than mine, so, again, please add examples. [2]

Finally, it would be great if some group members could volunteer to write parts of section 6. There are specialists in these areas within the group who could do this much better than me. Otherwise, you'll get whatever I am able to come up with!


[1] Kirk Borne also indicated interest in helping with the guide
[2] E.g., Petr Skoda mentioned "Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences"

Nick Ball
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
5071 West Saanich Road
Victoria, BC  V9E 2E7

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